Monday, April 21, 2008

Elizabeth Hasselcoulter

Am I seeing double? Or triple? Cindy McCain, Elizabeth Hasselcoulter, and the reanimated corpse of Barbara Walters looked like a crazy fun house mirror reflection of one bleached out mid-west christian lady.

Did she really bring up that John McCain is a really good COOK?! After a week of recipe plagerism controversy?! Then later when Elizabeth gently raised the subject of the stolen recipes the McCain campaign posted as Cindy's family recipes, C McC spun the softball question into an advertisement for her forthcoming book.

Later we were treated to crazy Elizabeth's song about taking away all of her kid's security blankets and making up some story about the binky fairy. Maybe the binky fairy can come with an exit strategy for Iraq. Her kid is only 3 years old by the way. I had a blanket until I was like 14. Not all the time, but I gave it up when I was ready --not when my mother was ready. And, not when I was 3.

Elizabeth sucked up to Barbara so hard it's a wonder she didn't pass out when she was talking about Barbara's upcoming memoirs (which THE VIEW ladies apparently all have a copy of) which lead to another softball question about what was your hardest challenge. Blah blah blah.

It was almost more than I could bear. She dressed like Cindy McCain. She told a story about making her 3 year old cry for 3 days. But, because she kept her Republican robot rhetoric in her pants for most of the day, I'm only rating today Bitchcon 4. No one is more surprised than me. (Click on the Bitchcon icon to enlarge the image.)

Oh! And what a shock that for the 2nd time in a row on a "big political day" on THE VIEW Sheri "Flat Earth" Shepard wasn't on the show. You'll recall that Ms. Shepard missed John McCain day on THE VIEW too. Coincidence? You tell me...

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