Monday, May 12, 2008

Dribs and Drabs

It took me a week to watch it, but the OPRAH show with Cher and Tina Turner was a gay historic moment. Both Cher and Tina look great. They talked about their 40 year friendship like they were just chatting over coffee. With great old clips like the one below, and real behind-the-scenes stories, it was an exciting hour of TV!

SURVIVOR, you almost lost me at the beginning of the season with your ultra-violent gladiatorial showdowns and selection of "spoiler" contestants who had NO business being outside of a mall or a bar. Towards the end of the season, the string of blindsides and double-crosses really made the show a nail-biter right down to the final vote. Last season, the players all seemed able separate the game from personal squabbles. Like good sports they congratulated the winners and didn't use the final tribal council to publicly air every dirty secret the cameras didn't catch. But, then at the final tribal council on Sunday --unlike last season-- the contestants (especially Ozzy) really put some stuff out here and stirred the pot before the final vote. Sadly, I couldn't support either finalist, so I really didn't care after Cerie got voted out. She was my favorite to win.

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