Monday, September 15, 2008

What a Train Wreck!

What a freakin' train wreck! I finally watched John McCain on THE VIEW. If that's how he handled the questions from such hard-hitting journalists as Whoopi Goldberg and Elizabeth Hasselcoulter, he shouldn't stand much of a chance in a debate. I have to give it to the ladies on THE VIEW. Their Boniva-smoking seems to still be strengthening their collective spine. The interview was rough and they often did not back down when McCain tried to blow Republican smoke up their asses. Though, he did get away AGAIAN without answering the question, "How many houses do you and Cindy own?" He simply will not answer that question. The audience openly boo-ed McCain's stance on Roe v. Wade (that it should be overturned). Even during "Hot Topics" Barbara put the kibosh on Elizabitch's rattling off Sarah Palin's "accomplishments" AGAIN! Cindy McCain strikes me as SO RICH. She just looks so "Beverly Hills" and it makes me nauseated.

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