Sunday, September 14, 2008


So, "Snuggles" the spider turned up in my bed the other day. I found him in the morning when I was stripping the bed to do the laundry. He was too majestic and horrifying to just discard or free willy-nilly. I ended up keeping him for almost 5 days. I upgraded his "cage" so he'd have more room to move around and catch bugs. Speaking of which, I'm so crazy that I began feeding him aphyids and a giant mosquito. Then, I decided that he had to go. He appeared to be getting more angry as our time together grew from one night into days. I let him go, but I did it waaaay across the street and made sure he went down the alley away from my house. Anybody wanna tell me what the hell he is based on his photo below? Click on the photo to make it bigger (if you dare).

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