Friday, June 6, 2008

Why, TiVo, Why?!

Uh oh, looks like I may have to cancel my TiVo service and sell my TiVo. My beloved TiVo has gone right-wing nut-job on me.

TiVo Sponsors “SuperDad” Contest with Right-Wing Focus on the Family
Nominate the GBTQ Dads in YOUR Life Today!

Dear Friends and Family,

I just found out that TiVo, the home entertainment company servicing millions of families nationwide, is working with James Dobson’s Focus on the Family on a “SuperDad Essay Contest” for Father’s Day. As you can imagine, Focus on the Family is only looking for one type of “super” dads and they certainly are not part of our community. That a national company many of our families send checks to each month would sponsor a Father’s Day contest with Focus on the Family is horrendous. I need you — all of you — to help us respond.

I won’t often ask you to visit Focus on the Family’s website, but today I am. The Family Equality Council is organizing a response to this discriminatory contest, asking you to nominate yourself or the GBTQ dads in your life. To do so, you have to visit, sign up for their parenting forums (message boards), and submit your nomination (100 words or less) through the boards. I’m encouraging two-dad families to submit joint stories, highlighting the greatness of both dads in one entry!

In addition, I’m asking that you copy the text of your nomination and email it to, so we can feature your beautiful stories and hard work on Family Equality Council’s Blog and with others in our community!

This is a great opportunity for GBTQ dads in our community and their family members and friends to share the real stories of their lives and let TiVo and Focus on the Family know that all dads can be Super Dads!

Others can and should participate, as well. The Family Equality Council has created a petition for parents, family and friends to sign. The petition is aimed at TiVo and will let them know just how many LGBTQ-parented families and supporters are out there! Click here to sign the petition now!

Last summer more than 50 families sent their stories to in response to their discriminatory actions online (read about it here). I want to increase that number 10-fold this year. Let’s send 500+ nominations to Focus on the Family’s “SuperDad” contest and show them how truly super our GBTQ dads are!

Thank you for your time and for celebrating all loving families with us each and every day!


Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director

Jennifer Chrisler also released a statement to TiVo, Inc. this afternoon:

Jennifer Chrisler’s Letter to TiVo, Inc.

Please join our efforts to let TiVo know that working with discriminatory organizations like Focus on the Family is the wrong way to do business with all American families. Sign the petition and nominate the GBTQ dads in your life today!

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