Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snowpocolypse Seattle '08

The Snowpocolypse that Seattle Weather "forecasters" missed by about 24 hours caught just about everyone off guard. I woke up (granted at 11AM) to an unexpected winter wonderland. Quincy wanted to run right outside and play in the snow. I'll post pics throughout the day. For "complete" coverage of the snow in my neighborhood you can check out the useful but woefully biased West Seattle Blog. I have a huge beef with the West Seattle Blog because they claim to be "new media journalists" but they are really just that annoying neighbor who is always up in your business without caring to get all the facts. The West Seattle Blog is a very lucrative ruse. Great pics, but don't be duped by their "articles" that are heavily weighted to favor the blog's sponsors and the blog owners' local friends even with regard to the actual facts.
That's the view out my front window. More pics to follow soon.

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