Monday, December 29, 2008

It's Been a Busy Day for The Squeaky Wheel

I just can't get angry --I'm simmering, potatoes!-- and stand by while NO ONE does ANYTHING. The City of Seattle and Seattle's Mayor Greg "B" Nickels have BOTCHED their handling of our recent Snowpocalypse (or Snowmare or natural disaster depending on who you ask) SO badly that it SHOULD be a NATIONAL news story to bring SHAME to the Nickel's "administration." Did anyone see the TWO tour buses FULL of YOUNG PEOPLE teetering over the broken edge of a freeway retaining wall?! Apparently, the Mayor missed that on TV from his bunker deep inside City Hall. Following the Mayor's brief 20 minute LIE CONFERENCE on Christmas Eve, I started a Facebook protest group called "Save Our Streets" to collect the stories of people impacted by the storm and to urge the City to salt at least the WORST hills. I wanted to create a central online space for information about the storm-response. Seattle needed a place to share information from citizen to citizen. The group has grown by word of mouth to over 80 members who have shared a lot of great (and scary) stories and photos from this storm. Mayor Nickels' assessment of the severity of the storm makes it VERY clear to every Seattle citizen that he did not live through the storm like the rest of us did. Mayor Nagin -I mean Nickels- has YET to answer any more questions about his bungling of this storm since his "B" grade LAST Wednesday. I'm NOT letting up on this issue! Today I was featured in a story on Seattle's "Big Blog" run by the Seattle P-I daily newspaper. The article is the "lead story" on the blog tonight. This squeaky wheel is going to keep on squeaking until Mayor Greg "B" Nickels comes out of his hiding place and apologizes to Seattle for his flippant, ill-advised, and insulting "B" grade and for taking away many, MANY people's Christmases this year. Mayor Knucklehead is the Grinch Who Stole Christmas (and a pasty bloated coward to boot)! The phone number to call the Mayor and tell him what YOU think of his lazy response to Seattle's WORST natural disaster in 2 years is on my Facebook group page. Please join if you haven't already. Let you voice be HEARD!

UPDATE: I will be featured on KOMO4 News at 5PM and Q-13 News at 10PM in Seattle for starting my Facebook protest page. Also, the Mayor is still really M.I.A. One of the reporters who interviewed me was on her way over to his house to "surprise" him.

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