Happy Winter Solstice, potatoes! Have you hugged a Pagan today?! If you live in North America, your days will be getting longer (yay!), and if you live in the Southern Hemisphere... bad news: your days are getting shorter. When it's winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is directly overhead at noon only along the Tropic of Capricorn, on which lie such places as Sao Paulo, Brazil, southern Madagascar, and areas north of Brisbane, Australia. It hardly seems like the
first day of winter here in Seattle! We've had day after day of snow all week. News of longer days couldn't come soon enough! Many, many cultures the world over perform solstice ceremonies. At their root: an ancient fear that the failing light would never return unless humans intervened with anxious vigil or antic celebration. I'll be anxiously waiting for the snow/ice to melt and I'll be engaging in antic celebration today with KUNG FU PANDA and the ULTIMATE FIGHTER FINALE. Here's the view from my window today.
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