Monday, July 28, 2008

Why Do The Good Die So Young?

I was DEEPLY saddened when I went to visit the Red Lasso web site and found the following message from Red Lasso to its fans and users: "Unfortunately, due to the legal actions taken against Redlasso by two networks, we are left with no alternative but to suspend access to our video search and clipping Beta site FOR THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. The networks have provided a big blow to the blogger community’s right to exercise the first amendment and comment on newsworthy events. It is anti-Web. During this service suspension, we will continue our conversations with content providers, with the goal of establishing formal partnerships that will quickly help us restore access to the Beta site." Isn't there enough wrong with the world? Do giant conglomerate corporations need to take away everything fun and useful? I love you, Red Lasso (even though I don't understand your name). I'm hoping and waiting for the day that Red Lasso can come back bigger, beta-er, and better!

Very sadly, that means to more SYTYCD clips.

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