Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bon Jour, J.R.

UPDATE: Merde! YouTube keeps taking down Le Dallas Française! If it's available, watch it immediately as there appears to be some behind-the-scenes legal tomfoolery. You snooze, you loose. POSTE ORIGINAL: Le French Dallas. G-D damn, I love me some alcoholic Sue Ellen Ewing! EVERYONE drank on this show. No wonder the French like it so much. (NOTE: Be sure to check out the comments for the English translation.)


french-gogo said...

Here's the song in its entirety and which can be found at:
My translation follows:

Dallas, ton univers impitoyable [Dallas]
Dallas, glorifies la loi du plus fort [Dallas]
Dallas, et sous ton soleil implacable [Dallas]
Dallas, tu ne redoutes que la mort [Dallas]


Dallas, patrie du dollar, du pétrole [Dallas]
Dallas, tu ne connais pas la pitié [Dallas]
Dallas, le revolver est ton idole [Dallas]
Dallas, tu te raccroches à ton passé [Dallas]


Dallas, malheur à celui qui n'a pas compris
Dallas, un jour, il y perdra la vie

Dallas, your merciless world,
Dallas, glorifies the law of the strongest,
Dallas, under your implacable sun,
Dallas, the only thing you dread is death.

Dallas, homeland of the dollar and of oil.
Dallas, you do not know pity,
Dallas, your revolver is your idol.
Dallas, you are hooked on your past.

Dallas, misfortune to he who did not understand,
Dallas, one day, he will lose his life there,

Anonymous said...

At first I wondered where I might be going and what I did to deserve this tribute but alas I caught on and laughed my ass off.