Sunday, July 20, 2008

Auf and Running

For those of you living under a rock or 3 days behind on your TiVo watching, PROJECT RUNWAY started up again. And, despite the "most diverse" group of contestants ever, the show was a bit of a snooze. Though I usually feel that way about the first few episodes of the season. Thank GOD for Austin Scarlet. I love him. There! I said it. He's like an ever gayer cross between Charles Nelson Reilly and Charles Nelson Reilly. I suspect he may poop Gay anti-matter that could answer questions about the universe.

The cutest guy by far is Daniel Feld. Sadly, the ONLY other cute guy is Keith Bryce and he seems a little bit like a dick. My top three dresses were 3) the oven mitt pasta dress 2) the mop top outfit and 1) I loved Daniel's dress made out of beer cups. It was very Thierry Muegler. The dresses I hated included the candy dress, the veggie dress, and Jerry American Psycho Collection for Patrick Bateman by Ralph Lauren wa the worst by a MILE! Train wreck. Bye.

1 comment:

Amy said...

The cup dress should have won but I will give it up to the spiral notebook "stitching" up the back of the winner. Don't know their names yet - too many people to remember. And GOD BLESS AUSTIN SCARLET! I mean, seriously! He makes me gay just looking at him.