Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rosie O'Donnell's LIVE Variety Extravaganza (with Liza Minnelli fer f#ck's sake!)

Tonight is the night you've been waiting for! [SCROLL DOWN FOR MY REACTION TO THE SHOW]
I don't even know where to begin with what could be either the biggest train wreck or the greatest moment of entertainment this season on TV. Guests include Liza Freakin' Minnelli, Kathy Godamn Griffin, Alec Baldwin, Alanis Morrissette, Jane Krakowski, Ne-Yo, Rachael Ray (BARF!), Harry Connick Jr., and The Gaiken (on the same show as Kathy Godamn Griffin). My TiVo says the show is only 60 minutes which seems short to me, but we'll see. Does anyone know if this is a "one off" show or will Rosie be having more live extravaganzas in the future? Rosie was on Conan O'Brien recently and said that Barbara Walters HAAAATES her and apparently said so on THE VIEW recently. I'd love to see Rosie (and fellow B. Wal hatee Kathy Godamn Griffin) skewer the old bag of bones, but Rosie told Conan that even though B. Wal HAAAATES her, she has too much respect for her as a journalist to return her fire. Tune in tonight a 8PM (or at another time if you live in the middle).

So, I watched the show... Rosie looked great. Fantastic makeup. I loved the opening number with Liza Minnelli. I saw Liza on Broadway in like 2000, and it looked like she'd be in the ground by intermission. But, she's risen and fallen a few times since then and tonight she rose from the grave (right onto Rosie's stage) and sang her skinny old ass off. Though Rosie sounded awful, Liza more than made up for it. Way to start a show! Talk about variety! First, Alec Baldwin came out, looked HUGE, and kept almost motorboating Rosie's ample bosom. Conan O'Brien arrived, looked like a stick figure, got hit in the face with a pie, and then left. Some little tiny children looking people tap danced, then two really gay looking guys did some crazy dancing that was an odd mix of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN RIVERDANCE. Jane Krakowski showed up and did a saucy Carol Merrill Broadway striptease while giving away a ton of free crap to the audience. That was surreal in a way I wasn't expecting. Then a paunchy Gaiken come on in his SPAMALOT costume. His hair looked like Kathy Griffin's hair when she hasn't had her hair or makeup done. Ne Yo sang a song. It wasn't bad. He sounded good. Nancy Grace popped up on a giant screen and then Kathy Griffin came out "doing" a flawless Nancy Grace impression (which I saw her do live on Saturday). Harry Connick Jr. came out dressed as Santa (sorta) and promoted his new Christmas CD and then "sang" (though he looked like he was having a grand mal seizure when he sang). Then the show took a crazy turn into "variety" territory with an ecstacy flashback involving WAY too much motion for my old brain to process: cowboys, hula hoops, segways, and asian chicks. Lots of spinning things. After the break, Rosie did a bit where she was dressed as a cop followed by Alanis Morrisette looking like Jennifer Anniston. She sounded great, but I wanted to kill myself about 30 seconds into her touching, introspective dirge. Gawdblesser, but she's kinda like Tori Amos without any balls. Gloria Estefan came out and did a lame-ass joke then sang with Rosie. Their voices sounded better than the Liza number, though it lacked the same pizzazz. Plus, I hate Gloria Estefan almost as much as Sharon Stone. Oh shit, I'm hallucinating now. There's giant dancing food. Worse yet, Rachel Ray popped out carrying a HUGE (fake) turkey. God damn I hate that bitch, Rachel Ray. But despite RR and Glofan, I enjoyed the show and would watch it again. Did you watch it? Did you enjoy it, or do you want that hour of your life back?

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