Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Republican With A Brain... on THE VIEW no less!

I was pleasantly shocked today by the substitution of Fixed News Channel (I mean FOX "news" Channel) personality E.D. Hill for Republican robot mouthpiece (and broken record) Elizabitch Hasselcoulter at today's sit down on THE VIEW. I'm sure she's a nightmare on Fixed Noise (I mean FOX "news" sorry about that), but E.D. was a refreshing change from Hassellcoulter's non-stop McCain propagandering. She actually sounded intelligent when defending her positions, and she actually let the other ladies speak and respected their opinions. I don't wish any harm to Elizabitch, but if I was E.D. Hill, I'd push that bitch down a flight of stairs like Gina Gershon in SHOWGIRLS. Elizabitch Hassellcoulter is a WASTE of a chair on THE VIEW. She has ONE view and doesn't entertain the thought that anyone else could know more about her about anything including growing up Black in the U.S. in the 50's and 60's, which I think Whoopi does know more about than Elizabitch. THE VIEW might as well set up a CD on a loop that just shouts, "Obama is a terrorist and John McCain is a national war hero!" and "John McCain is NOT George Bush." Both are lies, but it's the only thing Elizabitch seems to believe any more. One call, Barbara Walters, one call and that G.O.Princess could be off your show for good (for the good of all)! Today showed you a glimpse of what could be a beautiful new morning. Fire Elizabitch tonight!

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