Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Palin's Ties to Domestic Terrorism and Her Witchdoctor

Though Keith Olbermann is a misogynistic gasbag, I still respect his ability to make a 10 minute "Special Comment" that is unlike anything else on TV. He really is a throw-back to the "old days" of journalism where people really went after a story. Sadly, these days, those people are called commentators and the Bush-fed rubber-stamp media whores are called journalists. Sarah Palin must be out of her mind to directly associate herself with people who assert that Barack Obama is "pallin' around" with terrorists when Mr. & Mrs. Palin have been "pallin' around with terrorists for years and as recently as last year. When Keith is right, he's really right. This is worth a watch and a forward to your friends.

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