Thursday, May 27, 2010


How fierce was Wendy today?
Check Wendy's Wardrobe Page on

Two days in a row! Lookin' goooood, Wendy!
And, this just in! There's a special page just for Wendy's new wig. Definitely check it out!

Just my opinion. Agree? Disagree? Comment here and/or on Wendy's wardrobe page.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


How fierce was Wendy today?
Check Wendy's Wardrobe Page on
Absolutely fabulous today. Loooove the dress.
Just my opinion.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


How fierce was Wendy today?
Check Wendy's Wardrobe Page on
The accessories aaalmost saved the Wal*MART dress which I did not care for.
The hair was FAAAABulous.
Just my opinion.
I'm not "raggin'" on Wendy. She's a fashionista, and I wanna talk about what fabulous, gorgeous, crazy shit she's got on. Face it, it's better than my Elizabitch Hasselbitch Bitch-O-Meter, right? So comment, y'all!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Maybe I'm just in a good mood, but Wendy's simple but perfect look knocked it out of the park. Everything just worked today. How YOU doin?!

How fierce was Wendy today?
Check Wendy's Wardrobe Page on
Just my opinion.

Friday, May 21, 2010


How fierce was Wendy today?
Check Wendy's Wardrobe Page on
Just plain fabulous today.
Just my opinion.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


How fierce was Wendy today?
Check Wendy's Wardrobe Page on
LOVE the outfit! And, the shoes... scrumptious! I needed more from the hair. Yesterday's wig set the bar pretty high.
Just my opinion. Comment on

Monday, May 17, 2010